The Bourbon & cola
RTD Experience the world
Needs Right Now!
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RTD Experience the world
Needs Right Now!

Real Aged Bourbon
Gourmet Cola
Zero Sugar Added
Gourmet Cola
Zero Sugar Added
Created from a rich craft cola perspective with tasting notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, toasted marshmallow and just a little heat! Epicureans rejoice - Grisly's Cosmic tastes heavenly!!

Retailer/Distributor Inquiry
Retailers! Distributors! CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US! We won't leave you drifting in space. Grisly's will work hand in hand with you to get our product on the shelves and into the hands of consumers.

What We Are
A cosmically good WHISKEY & COLA RTD COCKTAIL here to bring some much-needed joy and transcendent fun to our crazy word. This delicious elixir was imagineered during the 2020 pandemic lockdown with the sole purpose of sharing our love of craft cola, high-quality aged bourbon, and vibrant rock & roll poster art.

Where to find our cosmic goodness
Alcoholism Resources
Grisly's Cosmic encourages everyone to drink responsibly. Please visit the following site for additional resources for maintaining sobriety and addressing any concerns with alcohol use for you or your loved ones.
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